Durango Herald: Since the 416 Fire broke out last week, Durangoans have been looking for any way they can to help firefighters, evacuees, businesses and those who are out of a job.
>> more <<416 Fire
The Durango Food Bank has been selected as a distribution point for all residents who are evacuated or impacted by the current fire. We will be distributing emergency food assistance and basic necessities to all displaced community members.
From food to socks, here’s how to help with the 416 Fire
People who want to help in response the 416 Fire have several options:
>> more <<Assistance center set up for those affected by 416 Fire
Agencies will be available at fairgrounds Tuesday
>> more <<How to help with the 416 Fire
Here are the latest ways, as of June 11, you can help people working on the 416 Fire and evacuees.
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